Our Services

Wheelchair and Seating

Access Therapy staff are experienced in complex wheelchair prescription and seating. We provide continued assistance to maximise independence, participation, and functional well-being.

Mobility and Independence

Wheelchair and seating are excellent partners to maintain independence or increase independent mobility when needed. Independent mobility provides autonomy, control, and facilitates participation in multiple roles in the community. That is why getting the right wheelchair and seating has never been more important to Access Therapy than it is right now

How Access Therapy Can Help

Our team of occupational therapists work with each and every client to determine an individual solution through assessment, professional advice and prescription of wheelchair and supports. Access Therapy works with you to determine the right wheelchair and seating supports that will enable your independence is supported at home and in the community with maximal comfort and support.

Getting the most appropriate wheelchair and seating is our priority. We are passionate about ensuring our clients are in the right wheelchair with the best support to maximise participation in everyday life. One size does not fit all, and it is essential that your ability, preferences, experience, and support needs are addressed individually to enhance all the things you do, day to day in your wheelchair.

What We Provide

Our therapists are well-equipped with the knowledge and experience in basic and customised wheelchairs and seating including:

  • Manual wheelchairs, off the shelf and custom options
  • Powered wheelchair
  • Standing wheelchairs
  • Power assist devices
  • Complex postural supports (headrest, backrest, lateral supports, thigh guides, or even moulded seating)

What We Can Do

We arrange visits and trials that can be done in your home, community, or other recommended places you’re comfortable with. That way, we can also see how these devices will maximise your participation in different environments where you carry out your daily tasks.

Your therapist will complete an assessment of your mobility, pressure care and postural support needs. This will assist us in ensuring your wheelchair trials are effective and limit trying seating and wheelchairs that just won’t meet your needs.

As so much time can be spent in a wheelchair, it is essential that you are not only able to mobilise but also supported appropriately — this includes your comfort. Your wheelchair shouldn’t be uncomfortable. All parts should be in good working order and it should not increase your risk of pressure injuries or limit your function!

Contact our team if you would like to discuss your wheelchair and seating needs.

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